Sunday, July 5, 2009

A burning 4th of July!

As most of you are asking why I put " A burning 4th of July" Well thats because the hair that I have on my head now was kinda burnt last night! Well every year these people acrost the street have a BIG 4th of July party. And I was just going inside to get myself a cupcake and a flame from one of the HUGE fireworks landed on my head at first I didnt feel anything but then I started t smell something, something burning. My hair. So now my hair in the middle of my head is kinda burnt. But other than that I had an awesome time!!



  1. sorry gabi that was me kendall that posted that comment but my dad was signed in to his account! sorry!

  2. WOW! I hope you were ok! So sorry to hear that!

